dinsdag 29 mei 2012

Summer vibes!

Hello hello...
Woah, it's about 24 degrees at the moment! And, last friday, even 10 degrees warmer...
Yeah, I really got the summer feeling! There are a lot of nice things to do in summer.
But, when the temperature rises, you need sunny clothes. No dark colors anymore!
I really like the pastels trend, and the colorblocking trend. Besides I'd like to wear flower printed
stuff too. I mean, what kind of print is more sunny that flowerprint?
So, I selected my summer musthaves.
Be inspired =)

You see, a lot of pastels! Especially baby pink and light blue.
Another thing I like is the H&M FAA skirt. Okay, I may sound mainstream (okay I admit: I definately sound mainstream) but I like that skirt so much! It's sunny, colorful and, for me, a real summer must-have.
I know many bloggers posted that skirt on their blog, but I don't give a fuck 'bout that.
I mean, why should I be special? Why couldn't I be just like anybody else?
To prevent my blog would be too ordinairy, I post an very original painting.
I promise, nobody have this on their blogs:

You don't know what it is? So, neither do I :-)
Tell me what you see in this beautiful (uhhmm) picture and I'll see you next time!

woensdag 23 mei 2012

OOTD: Dotted shirt.

Today a new outfit post. I'm wearing my new vintage shirt (okay new & vintage is the opposite, but you know what I mean).
Unfortunately, my camera is damaged, so the pictures aren't very clear.
That's the reason why I decided to make them black/white.
It looks a little bit sharper that way =)

                                                   ^ Click to make it bigger!
Necklace - V&D
Shirt - Vintage
Skirt - Vintage
Heels - Dolcis
Bracelet - Vintage

Yeah, a lot of vintage stuff. I like going to a second-hand shop and searching for nice items.
It's always a surprise what kind of clothes I see. And, last but not least, nobody wears the same outfit as you!

Until next time,

zaterdag 19 mei 2012

Music Crush ~ Part 1.

Hi =)
Today I'm gonna tell you something about one of my favorite bands at the moment: Angus and Julia Stone.
 Sadly, they aren't together anymore, so officially I can't call them a band. However, they made many beautiful songs together. I will show you some of my favorites, but I start with a their bio.

Angus and Julia Stone, brother and sister, are born in Sydney. They both came from the same, musical family. In 2006 they moved to London, where they met Fran Healy. Under his guidance they released their first album in 2007: 'A Book Like This'.
The album was a big succes! They made a big tour in Europe.
In 2010 they realeased their second Album, called 'Down this way'.
This album was a big succes in Australia, and earned them 3 ARIA Music Awards (The Australian version
of the Grammy Awards)

Some thing I really like about them, is that they're really creative. Just visit their site, and you know what I mean =) (http://www.angusandjuliastone.com/)
They also direct their own video's, another thing I like about them.
And of course I think their music is great. The amazing guitarpieces, Julia Stone's bright voice, in combination with their beautiful video's...yeah, I'm fan ;D

A selection of my favorite songs:

What do you think of their music?
And did you knew them?


zondag 13 mei 2012

Creatures of the sea ~ short video

Hey! I'm back from Rome, slept for almost 12 hours and still don't have the energy to do my homework.
So I spend my time with watching my 509 photo's from that trip, and laughing about my weird faces.
I will post some of them soon =)
For now I have a short movie, with underwater pictures from Curacao.
It's a gift for my stephfather. He made the pictures when he lived in Curacao, reaaaly long time ago.
But I think those pictures are still beautiful. I don't know why, but the ocean had always fascinate me.
When I was 12, I made my first diving trip, also in Curacao. In the beginning I thought it was really scary,
and the idea of not getting enough air was freakin' me out. But later, after some practise, I began to enjoy it.
In my life I made around 6 dives, and they were all so beautiful. I remember the time that I saw an seaturtle
from just two meter distance! I could almost touch it...

I wish I could make another dives, but for now I'm stuck in boring Holland. Okay, I won't complain
(cause I'm just returned from my school trip), and about two months we go visiting Norway, but I still
want to make new dives.
Who knows when that's will happen...

So, enjoy my underwater video, and tell my what you think of it!

Do you have any experience with diving? And do you like it?
I would love to hear your thoughts on it =)

woensdag 2 mei 2012

How to wear: The Maxi Dress

Woops, long time no see... Finally, I have holiday for two weeks!
One week at home, and another week in Rome! Can't wait for that...
Anyway, I haven't very much time to post, so it's not the planned Vintage Shoplog
(coming soon), but a 'How To Wear Post'.
It's my second one, and I enjoy making this post very much.
The subject of the HTW post is the maxi dress.
I think you all know that dress. It looks beautiful in the shops, but you have no idea how to combine this dress...
Well, I have the solution =)
I made three different spring looks, a romantic one, a colorful one, and a hippie inspired look.

Just take a look and you might get some inspiration.
Have fun!

Romantic colours like pastels are easy  to combine. 
Something I really like is the combination of  denim and pastels, especially bleached denim.
I choose shoes in a contrasting colour, to prevent the look is too soft.

For this look I use a colorful, striking dress. 
A coulorful maxi dress looks gorgeous on black woman, I think so.
Unfurtunately, I look too pale for this dress :-/
The accesoiries for this outfit are nude coloured, or simply black or white.
Don't use too much colours, all the attention must be on the dress!

Hippies just loved long dresses, and they wore it a lot!
If you would dress yourself the hippie way, you should definately ware
much jewelry. Think long necklaces, big feather earrings and a lot of bracelets.
And, of course, your brown sandals.
Peace man!

Which look do you prefer?
And do you wear a maxi dress?