woensdag 2 mei 2012

How to wear: The Maxi Dress

Woops, long time no see... Finally, I have holiday for two weeks!
One week at home, and another week in Rome! Can't wait for that...
Anyway, I haven't very much time to post, so it's not the planned Vintage Shoplog
(coming soon), but a 'How To Wear Post'.
It's my second one, and I enjoy making this post very much.
The subject of the HTW post is the maxi dress.
I think you all know that dress. It looks beautiful in the shops, but you have no idea how to combine this dress...
Well, I have the solution =)
I made three different spring looks, a romantic one, a colorful one, and a hippie inspired look.

Just take a look and you might get some inspiration.
Have fun!

Romantic colours like pastels are easy  to combine. 
Something I really like is the combination of  denim and pastels, especially bleached denim.
I choose shoes in a contrasting colour, to prevent the look is too soft.

For this look I use a colorful, striking dress. 
A coulorful maxi dress looks gorgeous on black woman, I think so.
Unfurtunately, I look too pale for this dress :-/
The accesoiries for this outfit are nude coloured, or simply black or white.
Don't use too much colours, all the attention must be on the dress!

Hippies just loved long dresses, and they wore it a lot!
If you would dress yourself the hippie way, you should definately ware
much jewelry. Think long necklaces, big feather earrings and a lot of bracelets.
And, of course, your brown sandals.
Peace man!

Which look do you prefer?
And do you wear a maxi dress?

16 opmerkingen:

  1. hippie for liiiiiiife . Ja. die vind ik dus t leukst.
    xx vanuit het stokbroodland.
    ps. xD we spreken elkaar bij een random liedje op youtube, via hotmail en via je blog. LOL.

    1. Jaja, u kunt niet zomaar even hierheen komen om te babbelen he, zo ver in camambert/brie/stokbrood-land!!
      xx vanuit Linda's huis.

  2. heel leuk, ik ben dol op maxi jurken!

  3. Maxi jurken zijn awesome! Ik volg je, volg je terug? parisandroses.blogspot.com

  4. Wonderful sets, I like all of three sets you posted but my fave one is the hippy way =)
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  5. De laatste look is erg leuk! Veel plezier in Rome

  6. wanneer ga je de rome streetstyle posten? ben benieuwd!

  7. I love the first set of outfit, especially the gold necklace, so beautiful <3
    would you like to follow each other?
